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  1. Conduct at least one (1) mission trip during the summer break of each year.

  2. Recruit annually, 10-15 mission trip participants with diverse skills and experiences

  3. Organize and conduct community outreach and humanitarian activities during mission trips.

  4. Donate basic necessities to vulnerable groups, as part of TWAP’s mission to give back to those in need. 



  • Recruit annually, 10-15 senior social work university students, to complete fieldwork and/or practicum hours during summer study tours (to be conducted alongside or separate and apart from summer mission trips).


  • To offer trans-formative approaches to study tour practices within tertiary institutions, through volunteer programs focused on providing effective fieldwork solutions, enhancing learning outcomes, as well as systematically developing cultural awareness skills and best practices of participating students. 


  • Provide supervisory and fieldwork support for senior social work university students registered to participate in TWAP's educational tour component.



Develop and maintain global partnerships with universities, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s), and Volunteer Abroad Organizations (VOA's ), willing to participate in and/or support TWAP's agenda to assist vulnerable populations through the provision of mission trips, volunteer abroad initiatives and study tours for volunteers, university students and general participants.

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